For years the Association has heard that STERETT shipmates, family and friends have in their possession STERETT memorabilia that could be on display at the future opening of the National Museum of the Surface Navy (NMSN), currently located aboard the Battleship IOWA Museum in Long Beach, California. The expected opening of this museum won’t be until the late 20s; therefore, a virtual museum was created to display these items online until such time that we can have them on display at the NMSM. Check the video below…

The items below have been provided in support of the Association’s primary objective of “preserving the history the ships historic data for future generations” (Bylaws, Article II). Thank you for your donation!!!
- Brass (shell casing) from Kamikaze attack on DD-407 on 09 April 1945 – Frenchy LeFebrve (DD-407, 42-45)
- CG-31 model (coming soon) – CAPT Richard P. Genet (CO CG-31, 86-88)
- Crossing the Line Ceremony aboard DD-407 – Chuck Bond (CG-31, 86-89)
- Dial-in Phone from DLG/CG-31 – David Wolf (DLG-31, 67-71)
- DLG-31 Commissioning Packet – Greg “Goyo” Neshime (DLG-31, 66-68)
- Duty Master-at-Arms Badge used on DLG/CG-31 – Tim Page (CG-31, 79-84)
- Framed photo of DLG-31 with Plankowner’s signatures – David Wolf (DLG-31, 67-71)
- KAL 007 Search and Salvage Operation CTF-71 2-Star Pennant – Tim Page (CG-31, 79-84)
- KAL 007 Subic Bay News article – Al Finney (1983)
- Shanghai, China, Liberty Pocket Guide Book from May 1989 – Chuck Bond (CG-31, 86-89)
- Sound Powered Phone from DLG/CG-31 – David Wolf (DLG-31, 67-71)
- Surface Warfare Magazine November 1982 story on Midshipman – Samuel “Sammy” Barnes (CG-31, 81-84)
- The Salute Newspaper Clipping from May 12, 1967 – Jim Hailey (DLG-31, 66-69)
- Vietnamese Bill and Message – Gary Smith (CG-31, 81-84)
- Welcome Aboard Pamphlets – Greg “Goyo” Neshime (DLG-31, 66-68)
Please send pictures of items you may consider donating to the Association at If you have any questions, please e-mail or call/text at (360)720-7683 (new cellphone).
Visit the Navy History and Heritage Command (NHHC) today!!!